So, this blog has not had a new post in forgoddamnever. There's news, though, yo. Mad news.
So, I (Kellen) got an internship in the Washington DC area for a couple months this summer. That's where I am now. Nicola's Aunt Monica works for a landscape and architectural design and build firm out here, and really helped me out getting me in with her company. She's also letting me stay with her family for the first couple weeks of my time here. It's crazy nice. The family is awesome, and super welcoming, which is way more bitchin' then I could have hoped. Her daughter is a couple years younger than me and about to go into the Navy. She's a cool lady. Her son is in high school, a wicked good baseball player, and apparently a musical genius. Her husband is also rad and was a successful (as in, made money [that's what musical success is, right? {that's right, I used brackets}]) touring musician for like twenty years. They have a studio in the garage/extra building behind their house, complete with one million guitars and keyboards and a Neil Pert style ten million cymbal drumset. I haven't had a chance to rage on it yet, but I will. Polyrhythyms beware. I am coming for you.
Anyway, the internship is pretty wicked as well. The bosses are super fucking intense, but they know their jank, and are respectable, and have been nothing but nice to me thus far. I've been doing labor stuff for the last two days, but they're setting me up a desk tomorrow, which is completely insane. Kellen Macklin: dude with a desk. The projects are gnarly. DC area rich people are different than Kalamazoo and Lexington rich people. They own things like the BET network. I've been working on a subterranean gym. It costs a million dollars. That is a fake amount of money that no one in the real world has. Notice how earlier in this blog post I used the number one million in a hyperbolic and facetious sense. That's because that is a fake number.
So, I'm hanging out two doors down from Chesapeake Bay on an awesome porch in beautiful weather. Things are going fine.
This weekend I'm going to go see my brother, David, and his wife and daughter. I'm really excited to see them. It's been a while, and I'll be about an hour away from them for the summer, so I'll get to see them a lot.
Also, fuck West Virginia. That place is gorgeous, but if you stop at Taco Bell/KFC combination super trough, the inhabitants make you want to kill yourself. I stopped there on my drive, which happened to be on Mother's Day. There was a line of toothless monsters waiting for fried chicken, BECAUSE THEY RAN OUT FOR MOTHER'S DAY. I hope that if I ever bring a bucket of fried chicken from KFC to my mom's for mother's day, she slaps me in the grill.
More later.
I miss my girlfriend.
And my dog.
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