Anyway, enough of that shit.
She flew in Wednesday night, and we stayed at Dave and Mary's, which was great. I really wish that we could have all hung out more, because I really like Dave and Mary (and Maggie, duh), and I'd like for Nicola to get to know them. There's always the future, especially with motherfuckin' free ass plane tickets. It was a nice night, though. We had some sushi and got to sleep in the same bed for the first time in a long time. The next day, Nicola drove in to work with me and she spent the day exploring DC while I hung out in the office.
Thursday night, we went to Nicola's Aunt Monica and Uncle John's house. They made us some bad ass veggie kabobs and then we hung out by a bonfire, drinking a few beers and gabbing. It was pretty nice. Nicola played all my old bands for them, and then we listened to John's old band, too. Fun night.
The next day, I only worked til eleven, and then we got to hang out for the whole day.
We hung out by Chesapeake Bay for a while.

Nicola made me do this.
After that we went and had lunch in Annapolis with Nicola's cousin and her fiancee. That was really nice, too. They're great people. Really funny and interesting.
Friday night we stayed in a hotel in DC on MOTHERFUCKING CAPITAL HILL. That was cool.
Fifteenth floor. We got money flying out our shorts. PRICELINE.COM, SUCKA.
Then we went out in the Adams Morgan neighborhood. That is a pretty fun area. We had a delicious vegan dinner at Asylum Rock and Roll Lounge (which is a fucking awful name for a restaurant, but pretty excellent). Then we drank a bunch and walked around. I had a really great time. I love that girl way too much.
Escalators are fun.
Asylum. Cheap PBR. Booyah.
Look at these nerds.
We found a bar with Bell's beer from Kalamazoo. IT GOT THE JOB DONE.
They have long escalators.
We woke up this morning and laid around watching cartoons for a while, and then had lunch downtown. We went to Arlington to visit a friend of Nicola's grave. That was really sad. It's very strange to see a name on grave that you recognize amongst that massive graveyard. There was a funeral going on, as well. It was really interesting and very formal. Bugle, bagpipes, and doves.
I dropped Nicola off at the airport a couple hours ago. I'm pretty bummed. I'm excited for her, though. She's got a really great adventure ahead of her, and I'm really proud of her that she's going for it.
Now I'm gonna listen to Alkaline Trio way too much til she comes home.
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